Category Archives: Family

A Eulogy for Claire Ellen (Jourdan) Green

Many of our friends and family know that my mom, Claire, died in February after six years of living with metastatic breast cancer. Her funeral was March 5, 2011, and I wanted to share the eulogy I gave (below) for those who could not be there to grieve with us. You can learn more about […]

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Being back in Indiana is, weatherly speaking, a long way from Central America and the Panama Canal. We got iced in for a few days last week and had a lot of good laughs with family and friends sitting around the fire, watching movies, and playing Angry Birds (Shannon is a pig-smashing fiend). Most of […]

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Family Matters

If there’s one thing Karl Winslow taught the world, it’s that family matters. Never have we agreed with him more than here in Vietnam, where we are very thankful to have had a wonderful visit with Wayne and Libby. They flew to Saigon from Cambodia to see us here on the far side of the […]

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Kofi Baako and Esi Dadzie Come to Visit

On our second day in Ghana, Shannon led an overnight SaS trip to the village of Atonkwe for a Cultural Immersion experience. We arrived in the village early in the morning and were immediately greeted by Chief Na Na and his council of village elders. We all received Ghanaian Fante names in a traditional naming […]

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Happy Birthday, Nam and Sancy!

On September 21, Sam turned 31. He joined the ranks of the lucky-ducks on the ship who get to have a birthday during semester. Celebrating is a big deal on the MV Explorer, so we had not one, but two parties for him on the ship. The first one was with our shipboard family, pictured […]

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Happy Mother’s Day!!

We aren’t with Shannon’s mom Claire today, but we are thinking about her with Mother’s Day coming up tomorrow. Claire, we love you, we miss you, and we wish you a happy day. We look forward to giving you a call when we are back in the states and a big hug when we are […]

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Goodbye, Indy!

Sam and I have embarked on a month-long voyage through Central America with Semester at Sea. We will miss the month of May in Indy, which is sad since May is probably the best month of the year for Hoosiers. Sad, yes..but it’s a small price to pay for some high sea adventures. More about […]

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The New Year

2009 is here. The weather in Indiana is just as depressing as it usually is this time of year: gray skies, brown trees, too cold to enjoy very many non-snowy outdoor activities, not consistently cold enough to keep some snow around. Spring can’t get here fast enough. Weather aside, though, 2009 is gearing up to […]

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